Third and Fourth Degree Perineal Tears & Episiotomy
Third and Fourth Degree Perineal Tears (OASIS) & Episiotomy Hand-On Workshop
- 8.45am: Registration and Coffee
- 9.00am: Introduction
- 9.15am: Anatomy of the Pelvic Floor, Perineum and Anal Sphincters
- 10.00am:Anorectal Physiology
- 10.30am: Diagnosis of Anal Sphincter Injuries
11.15 am: TEA & COFFEE
- 11.30am Video on Diagnosis
- 11.40am:2nd Degree Tears and Episiotomy
- 12.00pm: Episiotomy Repair Video
- 12.10pm: Third and fourth Degree Tears and Repair
- 12.45pm: Video- Repair of 3rd/ 4th degree tears
13.00 pm: LUNCH
- 13.45pm: Management of subsequent pregnancy after OASIS
- 14.05pm: Management of complications of vaginal delivery
- 14.35pm: Prevention of OASIS with perineal support.
- 15.00pm: Video of episiotomy repair in animal tissue
15.10 pm: TEA & COFFEE
- 15.25pm:Hands on repair of episiotomy
- 15.30pm: Video on anal sphincter repair in pig
- 15.40pm: Hands-on anal sphincter repair in animal tissue
- 16.30pm: Hands-on perineal support on model
- 17.30pm: End
Please note that the program is subject to change