Anal Ultrasound Masterclass
08:15 Registration and coffee
08:45 Introduction Abdul Sultan
09:00 Applied Anatomy of the Pelvic Floor
and anal sphincter Ranee Thakar
09:30 Anorectal physiology and validation of ultrasound Abdul Sultan
10:00 The ultrasound machine BK Medical
10:15 Which probe for which compartment? Ranee Thakar
10:30 Pelvic Floor Imaging techniques
Tapes, urethral diverticulum, prolapse, intussuception Ranee Thakar
11:00 Coffee
11:20 Anorectal investigations Abdul Sultan
11:40 Diagnosis and clinical application of endoanal ultrasound Abdul Sultan
12.10 Transperineal Ultrasound of anal sphincter Kandice Wong
12.30 Conservative management of anal incontinence Wendy Ness
12:50 Lunch
13:35 Stations 10 min each
- Bowel dysfunction corner
- Anal manometry and rectal sensitivity
- BK Phantom and machine
- Image manipulation on laptop
1415 Demonstration Abdul Sultan Image acquisition
Image Interpretation
Hands-on experience on laptops Faculty
15:00 Coffee
15.20 Cased-based discussions of scanned patients
- Management of anal incontinence
- conservative
- sacral nerve modulation
- posterior tibial nerve stimulation
- Secondary anal sphincter repair
- Management of subsequent pregnancies after OASIs
- Setting up a Perineal Clinic
18:00 Certificates issued via online accounts at